
Moritz Riesewieck

Moritz Riesewieck, born 1985, studied directing at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin until 2015. Today he works as a theatre and film director and author.

(Updated: 2022)


  • 2019 Catholic Media Award
  • 2019 Grimme Prize

More Publications

Digitale Drecksarbeit – Wie uns Facebook & Co. von dem Bösen erlösen
Sachbuch. dtv Verlag, Munich 2017.

Featured Books

Book cover The End of Mortality. Eternal Life in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Vom Ende der Endlichkeit. Unsterblichkeit im Zeitalter Künstlicher Intelligenz
[The End of Mortality. Eternal Life in the Age of Artificial Intelligence]

Goldmann Verlag
