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Helmut Dubiel

Helmut Dubiel, born 1946 in Essen, studied Philosophy and Sociology in Bielefeld and Bochum. From 1983 to 1997 he worked at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, ultimately becoming its Director. Dubiel was professor of sociology at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen until 2009. He suffered for many years from Parkinson’s disease, and died in Frankfurt in 2015.

(Updated: 2020)

Photo: © Antje Kunstmann

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Niemand ist frei von der Geschichte. Die nationalsozialistische Herrschaft in den Debatten des Deutschen Bundestages
Hanser Verlag, Munich 1999.
Ungewissheit und Politik
Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt 1994.

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