Litrix.de is a dedicated programme within the Goethe Institute’s Literature and Translation Support section. It showcases a selection of recently published German-language books, and offers targeted support for the translation of these books within the framework of the current ‘Special-focus Language: Greek’ programme, which runs throughout 2019 and 2020. The ‘Special-focus: Greek’ programme also offers visits by authors of some of the selected books, workshops for translators, and special events designed to foster awareness of current German-language literature, and to facilitate contacts between publishers in Germany and in the special-focus country.
Greek will continue to be our special-focus language throughout the years 2019 and 2020.
The books showcased by Litrix.de are chosen by an independent panel consisting of three well-known German literary critics together with two representatives from the target country with specialist knowledge in the fields of literature and publishing.
The panel reviews new offerings in the German-language book market and selects some twenty titles each year from amongst the areas of belles-lettres, non-fiction, and literature for children and young adults. Books are selected on the basis that they are particularly characteristic of contemporary German-language literature, invite discussion and debate, and are compellingly written, and in addition are considered especially well suited for publication in the target language. This ensures that the chosen books are specifically matched to the interests of the special-focus country. They are showcased on the Litrix.de platform in the form of excerpts and accompanying background material in German and English and also in the current special-focus language, i.e. Greek, and they are automatically included in the complementary Translation Support programme.
The panel reviews new offerings in the German-language book market and selects some twenty titles each year from amongst the areas of belles-lettres, non-fiction, and literature for children and young adults. Books are selected on the basis that they are particularly characteristic of contemporary German-language literature, invite discussion and debate, and are compellingly written, and in addition are considered especially well suited for publication in the target language. This ensures that the chosen books are specifically matched to the interests of the special-focus country. They are showcased on the Litrix.de platform in the form of excerpts and accompanying background material in German and English and also in the current special-focus language, i.e. Greek, and they are automatically included in the complementary Translation Support programme.
Support is only available for books showcased by Litrix.de within the context of its Special-focus Language programme, which currently features Greek. Support is thus available in 2019 and 2020 solely to Greek publlshing houses.
In order to minimise the financial risks for publishers in the Special Focus country, the Litrix.de scheme not only covers translation costs up to a maximum of €5000, but also contributes to the cost of purchasing the foreign rights; this contribution usually amounts to 50% of the cost. Litrix.de is always happy to assist in negotiations with the relevant German publishers.
Targeted support for the translation of books from a specified list into the Special-Focus language – currently Greek – is intended to serve as a complement to the Goethe Institute’s existing support initiatives. Unlike the Goethe Institute’s more general translation-support programme, Litrix.de in most cases covers the full cost of the translation itself, and also makes a substantial contribution to the cost of the foreign rights.
The application form, together with full terms and conditions and details of who to contact, are available via the menu option ‘Translation Grant Programme’ on the Litrix.de website. Applications for translation support must include the following documentation:
- Detailed calculation of costs, including the number of copies to be printed
- Copy of the rights contract
- Copy of the translation contract
- Rationale of the project (position of the work within the publisher’s profile, target group aimed at, etc.)
Applications may be made at any time up to 31 October 2020.
Translation support is contingent on the following conditions being met:
- The concluding of a foreign-rights contract between the original publisher and the publisher of the translation, and a contract with the translator.
- At the point when a grant-offer is made the translation must be neither already published nor in the process of being published.
- The translation must be made direct from the original German.
Applications – which must be submitted correctly in all respects – are processed quickly, and you will normally hear back from us within four weeks.
Once the translation support contract has been finalised, the relevant contribution to the foreign-rights costs and the first tranche of the translation fee are both paid out. The remainder of the translation fee is not disbursed until four specimen copies of the published translation have been received by Litrix.de.
‘Live’ workshops are held both in Germany and in the special-focus region itself, and are advertised by Litrix.de well in advance in order to enable all interested translators to apply.