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08.12.2023, 2:30 PM
"The End of Mortality"

Moritz Riesewick, Vom Ende der Endlichkeit

Book presentation

Rom/Eur, La Nuvola

Book presentation as part of the series ‘Più libri più liberi’

La fine della morte
The End of Mortality

Friday 8 December 2023, 2.30pm, Rome/Eur, La Nuvola

Conversation between the author Moritz Riesewieck and the philosopher and publisher Andrea Colamedici

Introduced by Joachim Bernauer, Director of the Goethe Institute, Rome.

In their non-fiction book Vom Ende der Endlichkeit: Unsterblichkeit im Zeitalter künstlicher Intelligenz (‘The End of Mortality. Eternal Life in the Age of Artificial Intelligence’), the prizewinning film-makers and writers Moritz Riesewieck and Hans Block set out on a journey into the digital Beyond in search of an ancient human concept - the rebirth of the soul. At a variety of different places across the world they encounter people who are busily attempting to bestow digital immortality on partners, friends or members of their family.

In the process they find themselves faced with a considerable number of questions. What does it feel like when the personality of someone dead is transferred by means of artificial intelligence to a digital avatar who then keeps them alive even to the extent of replicating their voice? We live now in a world in which everything we ever do leaves a trace. So will our digital souls live on in the cloud after our physical death?

With financial support from Vom Ende der Endlichkeit was published in Italian in 2023 under the title La fine della morte. Vita eterna nell’era dell’intelligenza artificial by Tlon, in a translation by Paola Moretti.

This event is presented by the Goethe Institute in association with
  • Tlon
  • Più libri più liberi

Further details
Languages: German and Italian, with consecutive translations by Soledad Ugolinelli
This event forms part of the 2023 Più libri più liberi series.

Sala Antares,
Rome/Eur, La Nuvola,
Viale Asia, 40

Buchmesse Più libri più liberi © Più libri più liberi